There Is No Fool Like A Careless Gambler Who Starts Taking Victory For Granted. – Hunter S. Thompson

Grosvenor Casino: Cyber Attack

It's a problem that seems to happen more and more. 

An email from Grosvenor Casino: Important Information About Your Account. 

There's me thinking I'd been given 1 million free spins, a £100 match bet or an invitation to meet the Queen and talk about the flop. 

Sadly, not. 

They have been a victim of a cyber attack. An anonymous third party. The police have been informed and all relevant parties. 

I'm one of the ''lucky'' 1040 clients who had ''limited customer data'' stolen and ''we don't expect anything further to come from this''. 


You have to smile when reading the comments: ''Please be aware that if you contact us, we will undertake enhanced verification of your identity before discussing your account''.

There's me sitting here phone in hand, wearing my jail suit, swag bag perched over my shoulder, and a file in a cake just in case I'm arrested for being me while the infamous cyber attacker is having a cream tea at the Ritz. 

Someone saw a tall, short human being, a talkative deaf mute, with short-but-long-thinning hair, sashaying towards Kensington.

If you have any questions, please contact us via details below. 

Is that to me or the cyber attacker?


We would like to offer our apologies for this but would again like to assure you that we take the security of your Grosvenor membership details extremely seriously. 

Me: ''However, someone may well have your details and thinking about going to The Savoy later for a steak and chips.'' 

Note to the Grosvenor: If my details are found to have been used due to your lack of security or negligence I will be contacting Judge Judy. 


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Thanks, Brasino

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