You may love to bet at the casino. Perhaps you favour 3-card poker over blackjack, roulette or slots.
There is no right or wrong. It's all about you. You selfish devil.
Horse racing.
What does it mean to you?
I'm not being critical because you think what you think. But so often punters just focus on the horse race, for example, the 3:15 York.
They have made their assessment, studied the form and put the money down.
Nothing wrong with that.
But are you missing all the good stuff?
(I guess not as you would already see what I mean if you did).
To me, it is like reading the last chapter of the book, but the real story, the blood, sweat, and tears were in the first 200-pages.
Like I said, you read whichever part of the book you like.
It's your Mills & Boon. War & Peace. Little Red Riding Hood.
To me, the story is as important as winning on the day. The story of each horse started with a thought of breeding, the nurturing of the weanling, the yearling, and years to come.
Perhaps going to the sales ring, even flying or sailing to a new country.
All built on the hopes and dreams of what might be.
For most punters, the horse they bet is of interest for that moment in time. A brief moment in time. Let's say 3:15. You know the time and place.
No one is saying you should read the story of each and every horse but, at times, it helps to see the bigger picture of the horse's life and career. Imagine seeing through the eyes of a newly-born foal and the trials and tribulation, love, and loss which must, in many ways, seem difficult, testing if not a trial.
From owners and trainers who love and nurture to those who are simply interested in business without emotion.
In truth, horse racing, gambling can be whatever you want it to be.
But who wants to read the last page of the book when the story came in the chapters and verse before.
Read our last super post here: Can you Really be a Professional Gambler if you Don't Smoke Cigars?