The casino is a melting pot of different people.
That doesn't have to be a bad thing. It's nice to meet new people, have a chat, share your gambling highs and lows. It's good to be sociable. Who doesn't like to be part of the casino crowd?
However, it is often too easy to judge the world through your own eyes. How else are you going to judge it, you may say?
But you know something, the man who wears those oval pinked-lensed designer shades, he sees the world through rose-tinted glasses.
Yes, even when they are pink.
And that can be a problem.
Because you just never know who is watching you, what's their story, what kind of person they are, and if they are sizing you up to take advantage.
Now you may be saying: ''That's a pretty sinister way of viewing people and the world.''
You're right, it is.
If everyone was Mother Teresa you wouldn't need to watch your back because she'd be there doing just that as she blessed you on your way.
But it's something worthy of consideration when you don't know the people.
You know who you are.
You may know that you are a good, kind, and decent person. Perhaps someone watching from across the room sees the same thing and instead of seeing that as the positive, they see it as a good reason to take advantage of the next sucker in their line of sight.
There are lots of ways someone can get your attention, to start that conversation, and 99% of the people you meet won't be a problem. In fact, they could turn out to be a blessing.
But always take note of that first introduction and how it comes about.
The first sign that someone unfamiliar has stepped into your personal space or trying to make a connection.
Always think about this because it's very important.
If you are walking about the casino and someone bumps into you by mistake and apologises you may think nothing of it. But if the same thing happens a day or week later and the person registers with you and starts a conversation because they seem familiar.
Be very careful of this person.
The chances are, this was no accident, and they have an ulterior motive.
If they stop to chat and take any interest in you.
Simply walk away.
Read our last amazing post: Losing £1 Billion to Win a Pound
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Thanks, Brasino
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